“I first met Brooke 4.5 years ago when I signed up for boot camp with nine other moms from an email list. I wanted to get back into shape after having my son and I didn’t know where to start. I worked out with these amazing women for the next year – usually 5-6 days a week. I did a triathlon sprint. I was in the best shape I’d ever been in. Then, I started working again. I came to boot camp when I could and then eventually, couldn’t ever get to class because of my schedule. Fast forward two years and I’m working crazy hours and never making any time to exercise. I’m miserable. I contact Brooke and ask her to train me twice a week so I can start getting back into shape. She agrees as long as I do whatever she says for the next 5 weeks. I say, without hesitation, I’m in. 

So, I’ve now put in my 5 weeks with the gauntlet and it’s been the best investment of time & effort that I’ve made in years. I’ve been following an eating plan – not a diet – because the eating plan is just common sense. You don’t eat sugar, you don’t eat bread or pasta, you count your calories – we all know that this is how we should be eating anyway. You make an effort to do at least 20 minutes of cardio each day – every day. And finally, you make yourself accountable – first to Brooke, but mainly, eventually primarily, to yourself. It works and it works really fast. I am really excited to see where this goes – it is what so many people I know need. It is the catalyst to putting yourself first again.”